CPR/First Aid for English Speakers(英語で学ぶCPR ファーストエイド)

CPR/First Aid for English Speakers
Upcoming Tokyo Olympic Game is around the corner and numbers of those foreign visitors are increasing year by year. What if, those tourists, customers, or your colleagues are facing medical emergency, are you willing to help them in any way? This seminar is recommended for those responding to their medical emergency while at work, or on street, and/or, those who have attended CPR/First Aid course in the past and wish to learn them in English.
《Course date》
Saturday, 5 December 2020, 9:30~11:30
《Course location》
Conference Room #904, 9th Floor, Yokohama Council of Social Welfare Center (横浜市社会福祉センター)
4 minutes walk from Sakuragicho Station(JR Keihin Tohoku Line/Yokohama City Municipal Metro)
《Course subject》
Learning CPR/First Aid steps in English.
Note: Majority of course instruction will be in English language, with
supplemental Japanese instruction, as needed.
《Target participants》
Those who wish to learn life saving skills in English.
Note: Open to those w/minimum English fluency and with background of basic life saving skills.
Bi-lingual instructor, providing CPR/First Aid courses to US Forces Japan members
《Course tuition》
2000 JPY(including TAX)
For course application, click course application tab below, お申し込みはコチラ fill out forms and submit for course registration. Or, e-mail us; your applying course title/name(last/first name)/home address/e-mail address/phone number
“Privacy information provided hereby will be solely used for course registration, and/or certification card processing, will not be used/disclosed other than intended without your consent. Your privacy information hereby will be strictly protected in accordance with related laws(Privacy Act, etc).”
横浜市社会福祉センター 9階 会議室904
(最寄駅 JR/横浜市営地下鉄 桜木町)
英語で傷病者対応(CPR ファーストエイド)を実践するセミナーです。
山寺 圭
アメリカ心臓協会 BLSトレーニングセンターファカルティをはじめ、多くの資格を保有する。